
Bare minimum needed to host a site on a VPS

Table of contents

I was mentoring someone, and helping them get set up with hosting a simple Golang application on a VPS.

This article outlines the steps that I took.

In no way are the afforementioned steps considered to be an ideal way to deploy any applications on the Internet. This article exists merely to document what are some basic steps that I can take to deploy yet another site like it, and may serve as a segue way to at least explore automating parts or all of it.

For the purposes of this exercise, let's have the domain name be foobar.xyz.

Step 1: Create the VPS Instance (On DigitalOcean)

The VPS instance was created on DigitalOcean. A few clicks of the button, and you have a VPS provisioned for you.

I especially like to use DigitalOcean's Ubuntu Snapshots, since the basic configurations are all that's needed to proceed further.

It does not have a firewall enabled. It may not be ideal, but it is a good way to move as quickly as possible in order to deploy the application.

Additionally, I recommend creating an SSH key pair, so that you can log into the DigitalOcean box without having to enter a password. GitHub has some good documentation.

Step 2: Register a Domain Name

Any domain name registrar is fine. Almost all of them provide comprehensive set of options for the domain's DNS settings.

From Step 1, where we created the VPS, you can assign its IP address to the domain name's A record.

Once you have set the A record, you can now SSH into the machine without having to remember the machine's IP address. After all, a domain name is easier to remember than an IP address.

Step 3: Create an SSH Key Pair on the VPS Instance

The following steps were taken from GitHub's documentation.

First create the keys. The ssh-keygen utility will prompt you for a passphrase, and a filename. Don't provide a passphrase, nor do you need to provide a filename.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "your_email@example.com"

Then, add the private key to ssh-agent.

First, start the ssh-agent in the background:

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

Then add the key to ssh-agent.

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Step 4: Load Your Application into the VPS (From GitHub)

In order to load the application into the VPS, you will have to copy and paste the public key over to your GitHub repo's deploy keys list.

To get the public key, just cat the public key.

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

Then go over to your repository's settings. It should look like the screenshot below.

Where to Paste the SSH Key

That is where to paste your VPS' public key.

Once you have your VPS' public key set up, you should be able to clone the repo.

Step 5: Run the Application on Some Background Task

For the purposes of brevity, the screen command was used.

The problem with the terminal is that if you need to exit out of it, you need to kill all processes that were spawned by bash or shell (or any like it).

screen allows you to have your tasks run, even after you have left your main shell that you logged into via ssh.

To spawn up a screen instance, just invoke the following command:

screen -S myname

(replace myname with anything you want).

Then, you should see a new shell instance open up. That is your new screen!

In it, spawn up your application.

Note: running your application this way typically doesn't provide any mechanism to restart when application closes, or when the system restarts. You have to manually ensure uptime.

Then, to exit out of the screen, Press the "Ctrl + A" and "Ctrl + D" combination.

Step 6: Install and Configure NGINX

NGINX will serve as the proxy. Its primary purpose will be to forward HTTP requests over to your application.

It will especially be useful for setting up TLS (HTTPS).

Without NGINX, it will be your application that handles getting the certificates, TLS handshape, encryption, TCP-level message authentication, etc.

So instead of all that, we can have NGINX handle it all.

But before, we will first need to set up NGINX.

First, install NGINX

apt update
apt install nginx

Then, in the /etc/nginx/sites-available folder, create a new file named foobar.xyz (the domain name).

Let's also assume that your application is listening on port 3030.

In it, the content would look like this:

map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
default upgrade;
'' close;
server {
# IMPORTANT: change the domain name here.
server_name foobar.xyz
listen 80;
location / {
# IMPORTANT: change the port number from 3030, to whatever your
# application is listening to
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Host $host;

Save the file, and create a symbolic link for it in sites-enabled.

ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/foobar.xyz /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/foobar.xyz

Then, delete the default symbolic link in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled.

cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
rm default

Finally, restart the NGINX instance.

systemctl restart nginx

The above tutorial was adapted from DigitalOcean's NGINX tutorial

Step 7: Set Up HTTPS (TLS)

Finally, you want your site to be secure. And to do that, you would set up TLS certificates.

First install the utilities.

apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx

Then, invoke the following command.

certbot --nginx -d foobar.xyz

And your site should be ready.

The above tutorial was adapted from DigitalOcean's Certbot Tutorial

Follow Up

The above tutorial is rather lacking, for several reasons. Here are a few that I can think of:

  • the application doesn't respawn if it were to crash, or if the VPS were to restart
  • firewall is not enabled
  • the entire application is hosted on a single point of failure
  • a lot of marketers prefer that domain names are prefixed with www, and so having the site sit befind foobar.xyz instead of www.foobar.xyz is not ideal
  • lack of CI/CD

Nevertheless, it's a good start.

Some readings

Want to make your own site like this? Try gatsby-theme-code-notes by Zander Martineau.
Notes on code. My second brain, by Sal Rahman.